Friday, October 3, 2008


Toward the end of the summer I started my second series. Still life oil paintings of all the "smash hits" toys that my brother and I (and probably you) played with.

This is a series of 8 paintings that was cut short by the beginning of my final year at SVA.  The rest of the paintings are already planned out and they are..

Monopoly - Micro Machines - Legos - Star Wars (Cantina Band) - and Pokemon Cards

This series is on hold, but if there is a painting from this list that your dying to see, let me know and ill get to it next..


Stephanie Eve said...

Well look at update:)

Skummi said...

pokemon cards!!

i dunno if u want to save ur old blog but u can just reset the html by using one of bloggers templates.


Cabbagethief said...

awesome paintings man! Personal favorite definitely the turtles.
